30 days of thankful: 1 blog post


Also thankful for the days I get to leave work early enough to see the sunset. At 3:30.

I really, really meant to do the Facebook 30 days of thankful/grateful this year. Really, I did. Somehow though, we got 26 days into November and I’ve only posted one thing I’m thankful for. And that post involved a candy wrapper . . .

The truth is,

this year has been the hardest of my life. It has tested every ounce of strength and self worth I have. And a lot of days, this year won. When I think about how I’ve made it to the end of November without running away and never coming back, I know for sure it’s only been with a little (a lot) of help from my friends

I am sincerely thankful for all the people God or Providence or Karma or The Universe have put in my life. People who gently reminded me that the world didn’t stop revolving because my life fell apart and invited me back on the ride. People who shared their own hard won wisdom, people who made me laugh, on demand, at all hours of the day and night. People who ignored the tears burning the back of my eyes and kept treating me like it was totally normal to be crying at 10:15 a.m. on a Thursday. People who firmly told me I was not the worst person in the world, people who sent unexpected gifts, texts or dancing cat videos. People who offered to take care of my girls, offered to fill my fridge with wine, reminded me to eat or sleep or just get the hell over myself.

I am not perfect. When your life falls apart you get to stand in the rubble and get a good look at who you really are. That’s not always pretty. You also get to see which pieces are worth picking back up. I wouldn’t be able to stand in that mess and know everything will be ok without all the people who propped me up this year.

To every person who helped me through, whether I’ve known you 16 years or 3 weeks,

Thank you. Sincerely. You’ll never know what that meant. But I’m grateful for certain.